A hectic National Science Week was had by all. But it's quite possible that nobody had a more hectic NSW 2008 than Dr Gillian Arendse, fisika fundi at iThemba particle physics accelerator on the other side of the highway from Khayelitsha. The man who comes from Paarl - home of rugby, he says, which he played in the days when they didn't use boots like softies do nowadays - and does mad physics shows.
That's because Gillian is also second tenor in the Libertas choir from the University of Stellenbosch, where he lectured until recently. And just before NSW 2008, he was up the West Coast in Lutzville, doing science outreach. Then it was bombing down the road to prepare for NSW. Then he had a performance up by the West Coast again. Then down for the first day of NSW for a brunch with teachers and other events.
Then it was up to Darling (site of South Africa's only wind-power) to perform just in time to relax, watch the rugby ... and travel back down to Cape Town again for the next day of NSW. And so forth, and so forth...
We salute your dedication, Gillian. But what's your carbon footprint like after something like National Science Week? At least with SciFest in Grahamstown - which is equally busy, and also lasts a week - there's always a lift from the Monument building down the hill into town!
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