Sunday, October 14, 2007

Haroon Moolla

Haroon Moolla, a grade 11 student at Rondebosch Boys High School, is clearly a team-player of note. When this picture was taken, the results were coming through from the 2007 Pan African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO) earlier this year in Abuja, Nigeria in April 2005. Team South Africa took first place, so here we see members Haroon Moolla, Kylie Fenner (holding the team mascot Chebyshev), team leader Koos van Zyl, and members Francois Conradie and Nicky van der Mey.

Haroon shared sixth place with Kylie Fenner of Reddam House Atlantic Seaboard to take silver.

Move forward a few months: now Haroon Moolla has collaborated with Rondebosch Boys High School classmate Nassir Bassier to produce an exhibit on Water purification and distribution in rural areas, which wins them a gold at the MTN Sciencentre-hosted citywide finals.

And then fast forward to the national finals of the Eskom Expo For Young Scientists. Harron and Nassir have won silver. A national and an international competition, same year, different specialities, and winning medal in both: that's impressive.

Want to know more about the Pan African Mathematics Olympiad?

A total of 32 contestants from nine African countries took part, writing two tough problem-solving papers over two days.

South Africa finished first with 104 points, followed by Nigeria and Cameroon, on 74 points each. The other countries’ scores were Benin (71), Mali (32), Zimbabwe (31), Burkina Faso (30), Swaziland (22) and Ghana (7).

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